Thursday, May 19, 2011

Our monetary system as it is

This morning I was thinking about our monetary system...

In the beginning there was no money. We shared things among each other. We developed, evaluated and adapted. Then there wAs exchanging of goods. Again we changed, we developed, we adapted. Then after many trials and systems we ended up with what we call money...

Initially it was a piece of metal, then it became a paper bill, now it has become a plastic card. Isn't it strange that we define the value of our assets in a plastic card? How about what's really valuable? Untangle things like, security, life style, family and etc... Well, financially speaking only, what about minerals, the riches of this world???

To get even worst, I started thinking about how the system works. As soon as we came up with this idea of money someone invented the BANK. What was the bank for? To have a safe place to store your money if you had a lot, for a small fee every period. That was it... The concept of borrowing money was far away from our thoughts, but some smart guy thought: " well, this money is sitting here months and months and not doing anything, so I'll pay this people "interest" if they allow me to get rich using their money"!

That's what it is folks? They pay you 5% or 6% per yer and they lend your money, not theirs, to someone else who doesn't have enough, charge them horrendous interests, about 15% to 20% per yer in developed countries, or about 200% on the third world countries, expect people to be unable to make their repayments, charge them even more, get hundreds more return on the investment than you did and they give you a ridiculous amount. Isn't it funny?

Now imagine if we all came to our senses once more, and decided to cut the crap out of our lives! No more loans, no more credit cards, no more hire purchases, nothing! If you have cash you buy it, if you don't, save some more and buy it later! Do you know what would happen? Things would get cheaper! As simple as that! It's a chain of consequences, you stop borrowing money, the banks will go broke, then the business won't have any way to get more money but cash from customers, so we can bargain for a fair value for goods, if they can't make the price, they will go broke, someone else is gonna start the same type of business really soon (just like there has always been supermarkets around), and we can buy from them.

If you are worried about the basics like food and water, the same applies. Fair trade, fair payments, no more rip offs from big companies ruling the world of money! Think about it!

I've started already by trying not to use any credit card anymore! How about you?

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