Thursday, July 28, 2011


Hello, to all of you who are reading. I'm glad to have you here.

My name is Pedro, I'm 27, father of a wonderful daughter and husband of a wonderful woman. This is my blog. For moths, or almost years, I've heard that a blog should offer content to people.I've had this one here for a while, but it was never a regular thing. I would write every now and then. But one of these days I had this click in my mind. So the story changed!

I decided to make this regular now, and as I have not invented anything, what I'm prepared to do is "to share what I learn". What I do for living teaches me a lot of things. I pastor a church full of young people. We are starting, but even in the beginning I can learn a lot.  One of the things that I already learn is that every one of us have a purpose in life, a calling, something you're really good at and it gives you pleasure to do that. You should do that one thing everyday, forever, because that's how you will contribute to add value to this world.

The other thing that I learned myself was this: I know almost nothing, and the I can't know everything, not even when I reach my old age. But what i can do is learn form those who are more experienced, and reading is an awesome method. So from now on, this is not only a promise, or a challenge, but a public challenge, and here it is: I'm going to read at least 2 books per month, preferably about leadership. And with that comes my commitment with communicating what I'm learning: I'm going to publish what I learn from these books that I'm reading as often as I feel like. I would love to say daily, but there are just some days you don't want to do anything, so, I promise it will be regular and you will learn a little bit.

Why am I doing this? Because I have this desire to change the world, to help people and I know I can't do it alone. So, buckle up and enjoy the ride!

At the moment I'm reading "linchpin" by Seth Godin. So many lessons in this one book. I'm publish one of them soon! So interesting that I used part of the book to start a series of messages in the church. Really awesome!

Well, I hope you get something out of this, I can, but it's only up to you... When you you go get something out of it, DO something with it!

All the best

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