Wednesday, January 26, 2011

True Christianity

Hi to all of you out there. Hope all of you are doing great, and if you're not, don't worry, that too shall come to past.

What I have to write today may not have much to do with the title, but I couldn't think of anything better. Here we go:

I was walking down the road this morning before I had hit the gym and on my way back home I noticed that some people took the time to greet me... Without being partial, trust me, it's not my intention to judge anyone. Anyway, some of them were greeting me and I noticed that majority of them live in our local community, are barely formally educated and some of them were not what we call the Elite society.

Why do I say this? Because I realized that the more humble people are, the more opened to conversation they are. The more "educated" you are, the less you want to get involved. Normal people have a sense of being needed, they want to be greeted, they want to receive a smile, they want someone to talk to them. So what? (you might be thinking). If we learn this, we will learn why we aren't reaching out to many people yet... Simply because we don't talk to them.
We go to the gym, supermarket, anywhere really, have our Ipods on, music playing, not really caring for the world around us. We live in a world where we think it's all about "ME". No it's not. and the quicker you get this, the better your own life will become. That's it, just a brief comment for today. Thanks for reading. See you all next time. Pedro

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