Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Every coin has two sides

The greatest statement of truth I've ever heard. I want to be short on this one, but I hope you get the idea.

I was reading the story about Richard Branson, and I got this from the book I'm currently reading (hoping to finish it by the end  of today) called linchpin by Seth Godin, and goes on like this. 

In one any given day, Mr. Branson was waiting on the airport for his plane. suddenly the announcement comes that the flight would be delayed and it would take much longer to him to get to his destination. Many people started complaining and he had an idea. He went to another counter, found a manager or something, found out about a private flight company, asked how much it would cost to hire a plane to his destination. He took care of his business, made up a sign saying that would cost them "X$" to flight with him. They bought the idea and his ticket (because he made some profit out of it) was free. That's how he had the idea to start his company, Virgin. 

Surely some people just wanted to blame somebody and complaint for the rest of the day, be sad and whinny, grumpy and loose the day. But He saw the other side of the coin.

Generally, success is on the other side of the coin. it's on the creative side of the coin. It's on the positive side of the coin!

From now one, promise yourself that you will always look on both sides of the coin and will consciously choose the positive, creative, leader side! Good luck