Friday, August 27, 2010

What the heck happened

I hope I can make this short, lets see

Today I spent almost the whole day talking with a friend about our world and how we ended up here. It seems to me it all comes down to money. Think about it.

In the beginnings there was no money but there was a lady a form of capitalism, or at least exchangeism (if the word applies or exists) I had rice, you had vegetables, we exchange them, we are happy the economy flows. Some kind of smart guy invented what we currently call money or currency. Until here its fine, atlas it would a be a form of unity to use for commerce. Then at some point humanity figured out that the world was bigger than what they thought and start to conquer other lands by war! WHY?...

Brief pause... Why do I want more? Why just Rome was not sufficient for them? Why did they had to take over more land to make more money? At the end they all died and they have nothing with them now wherever they are at.

To get worst, one of them called Colombos found a place he decided to call America which in a near future would become the new center of the world. Well, from then on you know what happened: another idiot decided to make money virtual! What was unexisted, become real and now has become virtual. All the debts we had that we had no control over were added to another big one after 1929 for God knows what reason and now because Us owes money to China and China owes money to US i have to work 40hours a week to pay bills I didn't
Ask for. What the heck happened?

Let's get some fun examples.
Water: water is free, it rains, it flows in the river, evaporates and it rains again. In the past, we coulees use a big wheel in the river and and live off that. But now, with modern society we have to pay for electricity. I agree that we all love comfort, but the reality is: after the project of constructing the energy factory (electricity providers) is done, there is not much to be paid is it? All right, there are people's salary but why do we pay them? We could set up volunteers in our society to give 2 days of their month to run the buttons and we would be sweet! Energy free. Isn't that great? What about the other sources
Ike the sun and the wind? You may say: "but it costs to develop that" and I say: why? If it's going to be better for everyone, why does it cost? Do you see where I'm coming from? It all comes down to money.

Let's try something completely different:t he church
What about a church that needs no money for itself? "that's impossible" one may say. Well, what about a service in a public park? No rent, no electricity, no mortgage, no salaries to be paid... Then all the money you bring in, regardless if you believe in the tithe or you rather call it a voluntary financial offer, can be used for the purpose it was supposed to be: to help those in need. Imagine all of those church buildings that seat 2000 people and have 100 staff working during the week...they have a big weight in the shoulders of the members and surprisingly enough people are happy to pay for it, ohhhhh my God.

Don't tell me it wouldn't work because Moses led millions of people with no rent, no paid staff apart from the levites (bear in mind there was no money, just food and supplements) no mortgage, no microphones, no worship band with thousands of dollars in instruments, nothing like that, and with no technology like we have nowadays.

I would be happy to try that one of these days...

We work to pay bills that we make because we can't live without them. Think about buying your house. You could never afford to pay a house outright if you didn't borrow the money from the bank. Why? Because they make money from our debt, that's what it is. Try this, if everyone in the country withdrew their money for one month form the bank, all of them would cease to exist because they wouldn't be able to make money.

Well, this talk goes on and on but we have a choice.
Choice one: I'm leaving in a month to a desert island and will start a new country with no debts, not high taxes and only volunteers contributions, join me if you want on Hahahhaa of course I'm kidding, even the desert islands belong to some government I don't know why but I'm sure I'll get in trouble if I try to figure it out or try to posses it.
Choice 2: we can start doing something about and showing the world we are not dumb and we want to have a better life now. We can't beat the system but we can definitely learn how to benefit from it. We can start being wise with our money, the hard worked one we make every week. We can stop giving money away for organizations that don't need and learn to use the money to help those who need, maybe someone that don't have money to pay the bus fair, or help someone with their groceries, or maybe walk into the service in the park one day with 20k in your Pocket to share among those who need a little more. We can learn that giving money to church doesn't make sense if the church is doing church instead of being the church. We can learn that the church is not the building, we ARE the church.

We can stop working for ridiculous wages and at the same time borrowing money to buy a car we can't afford to drive. Wake up people, you are the one being deceived here, not me, not the bank. Remember, you can't give what's not yours. No wonder why millions of people want to help the poor but they themselves need more help to learn to use their money

Well, that's it for now. I know I'm probably one of the fees who pays attention to this, most pf the people live their lives deceived and don't even care about it.

God bless you and see you next time