Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hurry up

Well, after more than a week of our first post, I've got an interesting one now.

I already knew that but never thought it would apply to me. Its the principle of opportunity. Here it goes:
If you think you have a brilliant idea, hurry up, because there are about 70 people think about exactly the same thing right now and getting ready to launch that idea. Why am I saying this?

Well, the whole idea behind the help2save project is to advertise the message of Christ through the methods normally overtaken by the world, by other words, TV, radio and stuff. This week I met a couple who does exactly the same thing, the difference, they do it in such a small scale that is not even noticed, however it's there.

well, that pushed me more and I decided to give one more step forward and this week I'm starting to tell people personally all about it. Great stuff, so keep an eye on it because we are about to launch the rocket and it's going to be massive!

in the mean time, for my virtual readers, I'll give you an overwhelming thought. That impacted me this week and also showed me how God is step by step preparing me to the biggest stage of my life. here it goes:

"You know someone's character by their REaction and not by their actions"

Think about it: YOu can paint a "You"totally different when you're conscious or when you know what you want, like on a job interview or on a daily basis relationship with staff members, friends, spouse, etc. But when you are put on to test, and sometimes you loose the obvious control of the environment, you react to some things, like on a car accident, or when someone treats you in a disrespectful way, so your angry answers come up, and then, there it is: REaction. And I'm not talking about the whole blablabla in the business world of being proactive instead of reactive. I agree with that, however, every single person goes through moments where they are put to test and they have to REact because they didn't predict that, of course they are not God so they are not aware of the future, they can not predict that. Even Jesus had that moments, and what a moments?!?!?!?!

Imagine if when the enemy tempted Jesus while he was fasting for 40 days promising the world to Jesus, if he did not had control over the reactions what would the story be like? Jesus stood up for his values (because as a man, and not just as God he had to believe in something) and took control over his REactions. (Read the whole story in Mt 4).

Now a very important thing: I'm not telling you that we can be perfect and never be upset. Not at all. That's part of our nature, but what I'm trying to say is: It is possible to control the REactions. Sometimes you may want to say something bad, or REact in a violent way, but if you keep in mind that Jesus overcame, and as we a His image and similarity, we can do it! I know it sounds cliche, but that's reality, whether you like it or not. So, make sure that next time it happens (because it will) you take a good deep breath and SHOW'EM SOME LOVE!!!

That is it for this week. Next week hopefully I'll bring a short message on REactions with more biblical passages and things to read through.

God bless you all and have a great weekend at church, and remember, one drop of water alone is like nothing, but millions and millions of them together can form and ocean!