Friday, November 20, 2009

Help 2 Save

My name's Pedro and I'll be blogging and sharing with you some ideas about what I think could help to change the world

Before I start I'd like to make it clear. This is a Christian blog and all the subjects here concern in one way or another to Jesus, so if you considered yourself a christian, follower of Christ you are more than welcome to read it and comment and if you are not a christian, or follower of Christ, I really recommend you read and encourage you to comment.

Well, Help 2 Save is an organization created to find alternative ways to bring Jesus and the message of the gospels to the world through the media and ways of communications they are used to. Help 2 Save uses strategies to reach people outside of the wall of the churches and inspires us to be doers and not just hearers of the word of God.

The foundation of this organization is a self sustained business, partnered with business people around the world willing to invest and reach the same goals which is more people for Christ.

So, As I believe it's useless to talk by myself, why don't you think about what I'm going t o propose and let me know by comments what yo think.

Would you support a business where you invest $50/ month to design and advertise campaigns, outdoors, tv commercials in order to advertise Jesus Christ in a modern way?
And what if you were not just involved in the part of investing, but if this project could involve you as an investor who receives financial return for his investments? What if someone could offer you an opportunity to be part of an enterprise where you invest in the kingdom of God and in return you are paid for?

Think about it, everything in the world is following these steps. phones one day (If not in our generation) will be free as long as you agree to listen to some advertising. Sky Tv and all of that will be free as long as you tune in some ads every now and then. Public transport (just for the record I don't know why it's called public if we pay for it but anyway) will be free as long as you can watch TV or listen to ads on the radio or be starring at a advertising in front of you at the next bench head spot. Even Apple, the great Empire is thinking about surrendering themselves to the advertising world with their Ipods. So, if people are doing this right now, why not can't we do that within the faith subject. Why can't we build an empire of advertise where people will see Jesus spread all over and in return, if you invested you shoul be eligible for a return?

Let me know your thoughts.
See you next time and God bless you